Tom Dillard Challenge

After stumbling across this fairly decent online version of Tom Dillard’s TSBD pic, I mused who might have been present in the southeast 6th floor windows at the instant this photo was captured.  I know other people have attempted to analyze the windowpanes above the closed window, without any real success. So, I thought I would take a whack at it.

But, I decided to expand my analysis to these five different window locations.

I decided to begin this online analysis with windowpane #2.  First, I’m going to open this up for some discussion, and then I’ll share my findings.

The one thing I want to emphasize is the FACT that I have not added, deleted, nor moved anything in this series of images.  All software analytical techniques were performed on the Tom Dillard copy above.

So, with that, let’s get started.

Use this image to study windowpane #2.  Sorry, but the animated GIF above was made for a different site.  You will NOT be able to upload any images to this blog.

Seriously look at the image above.  Stare at it until your eyes get weepy.  There are things one can actually see in this windowpane.  
